Denis Egelsky was born in 1963 in Leningrad.
Since 1989, together with Timur Novikov, he has been one of the founders and theorists of neo-academism.
Since 1989 he has been a professor at the Drawing Department of the New Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1991-1992, together with Timur Novikov, he studied at the Pompidou Center for Plastic Arts (France, Paris). He trained with Pontus Hulten.
Since 1993 he is a Professor of painting at the New Academy of Fine Arts (St.Petersburg).
Since 1995 he is a leader of the research group, which is engaged in the revival of forgotten silverless photo printing technologies of the XIX century.
Since 1996 he is a Professor of the Department of Scientific Research of Fine Arts.

The artist's works are in the collections of the State Russian Museum, the Museum of Urban Sculpture, the Central Exhibition Hall Manege in St.Petersburg, in private collections in Russia, the USA, and Germany.


2003 Russian Ballet. Gallery D 137. St.Petersburg
From the Ideal to the Real. The Museum of the New Academy of Fine Arts. St.Petersburg
1995 In Search of the Perfect Image. The Museum of the New Academy of Fine Arts. St.Petersburg
1994 Painting. Graphics. Photos. The Museum of the New Academy of Fine Arts. St.Petersburg
1991 The Spirit of Dance. The Museum of the Vaganova Ballet Academy. Leningrad


2003 Neo-academic photography. The Russian House. Berlin, Germany
2003 Art Moscow Fair. Moscow
2001 The image of Timur Novikov in the Russian art of the XX century. Gallery D-137. St.Petersburg
St.Petersburg light painting. Gallery D-137. St.Petersburg
2000 Russisk Neoacademisme. Bornholms Kunstmuseum. Denmark
The Heirs of Sparta. Sinebruhoff Museum. Helsinki, Finland
1999 We remember the Ascetics of faith. Museum of the New Academy of Fine Arts, St.Petersburg
1998 St.Peterburgas Neoakademiska Fototgrafija. Arzemju Makslas Muzejs. Riga, Latvia
New positive processes. Mikhailovsky Castle. The State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg
1996 Metaphern des Entrucktseins. Badischer Kunstverein. Karlsruhe Kunsthaus, Germany Idylle and Katastrophe Neoakademismus. Europaeisches Kulturzentrum und Kunst. Erfurt, Germany
1995 The Golden Donkey. Museum of the New Academy of Fine Arts, St.Petersburg
1994-1996 Self-identification. Positions in St.Petersburg Art from 1970 until today. Stadtgalerie im Sophenhof. Kielifa Gallery. Friedrichstrasse, Berlin Haus am Waldsee, Berlin
The National Museum of Contemporary Art. Oslo, Norway
The State Art Gallery. Sopot, Poland
Central Exhibition Hall Manege, St.Petersburg
1994 Renaissance and Resistance. The Marble Palace. The State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg
1993 St.Petersbourg alter. Musee d`Art Contemporain. Martygny, Switzerland
1992 Neo-academism. The Marble Palace. GRM, St. Petersburg A secret cult. The Marble Palace. The State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg
1991 Jovenes Artistas de Leningrado. Galeria Fernando Gamboa
Museo de Arte Moderno Mexico. Mexico Kylmyys ja Kauneus.
Vapauden Aukio, Helsinki
Academism and neo-academism. V.I.Lenin Museum, Leningrad
1990 1st Biennale of Contemporary Art. Gavan, Leningrad
Atelier. The State Russian Museum, Leningrad
Youth and Beauty. House of Scientists, Leningrad
Денис Егельский. Голкипер
1999. Холст, масло. 60х120
Денис Егельский. Солнечные очки
1988. Холст, масло. 80х90
Денис Егельский. Ночной полет
Холст, масло. 90х80 продана
Денис Егельский. Зеркальный футбол
1998. Холст, масло. 100х75
Денис Егельский. Ленинградский крафтверк
Денис Егельский. Ночная вахта
Денис Егельский. Зима
1999. Холст, масло. 80х80
Денис Егельский. Символ чудесного умножения благ
Денис Егельский. Капитан
Денис Егельский. Горнист
Денис Егельский. Укротитель коня
Денис Егельский. Балерина