Andrey Vereshchagin was born in 1969 in Moscow.
He makes paintings and installations.

Since the early 1990s, together with the artist D.Gaev-Orlov, he has been developing a theory of systematic art based on the idea of the connection of fine art with the basic laws of the world structure, with natural and cultural patterns. Turning to science to confirm his vision, Vereshchagin believes that "art does not only study the world, but also transforms it" - this is how art critic Valery Turchin, who curated their exhibition at Lomonosov Moscow State University, commented on this approach.

The artist participated in the 3rd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art and in numerous exhibitions in Russia and abroad.


1992 Crossroads. TSVZ, Tver
1994 Rosemary. Central House of Artists, Moscow
1994 Youth Exhibition. Academy of Art, Washington
1996 Golden Brush. Central House of Artists, Moscow
1998 Solo exhibition. Central House of Artists, Moscow
2000 Solo exhibition. Central House of Artists, Moscow
2004 Art Manege. Moscow
2005 Solo exhibition. Inter Art gallery. New York
2005, 2006 Artexpo. New York
2006 Solo exhibition. Fine Art Building Gallery. Washington
2006 Central House of Artists. Trencin, Slovakia
2007 Russian House of Science and Art. Wienna, Austria2007 Group exhibition of the International Academy of Art and Culture. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
2008 Laboratory of Systematism. Art Moscow
2008 Course of the megalopolis of the 3rd millennium. "World-Building." Polytechnic Museum, The New Gallery. Moscow
2008 Systematism-The ABC of Suprematism. The State Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow
2009 Opening Systematism. ORG Gallery. Novy Arbat, 25, Moscow
2009 3rd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Art Center Vetoshny, Moscow
2009 Stars of Contemporary Art – Sputnik Art. TSUM Art Foundation & RNA Foundation, Moscow
2010 Art Moscow. MIRAX Art Gallery, exhibition "Systematism in the Federation". Moscow
2012 ART Concret - intelligibel. Russian House of Science and Culture, Berlin
2014 The diversity of unity. The territory of the subtle energy of Systematism. Lomonosov Moscow State University, curator – Head of the Department of Art History, Professor V.S.Turchin
2015 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
2017 The Phenomenon of Systematism. Russian House of Science and Culture, Luxembourg
2018 exhibition at the Moscow Polytechnic Institute
2021 Systematism 2021. The West Wing of the New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
2021 Central Park. Kazan
2022 Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts. Moscow


LUCH Gallery Solo Exhibition
11 March – 2 April 2023

The minimalism of Vereshchagin's paintings continues the lineage of Russian avant-garde and geometric abstractionism. It also embodies the theory of trinity, developed by the artist in his work.

Vereshchagin sees the principle of trinity as the basis of the universe and finds its reflections both in life, in religions and philosophical schools: body – soul – spirit, future – present – past, creation – preservation – destruction, information – energy – matter, science – religion – art. Seeing the current situation as the climax of the old world based on duality and the struggle of opposites, with his art he is trying to smooth out contradictions and tension in the air, carrying out his peacekeeping work.

To fulfill the theory of trinity, Vereshchagin uses his usual expressive means: color and basic geometric shapes. He uses Plato's ideal figures, a circle, a square and a triangle as the basis for his paintings, and the constant three lines in his works do not only bring the balance into the world around, but also become the author's signature.

"The Triptych" exhibition at LUCH Gallery presents new paintings with an unusual for the artist technique, where massive textures of picturesque canvases are followed by the smooth surfaces of gold leaf and potali. This is how the viewers find themselves in the space of ideological maximalism and visual minimalism.
Андрей Верещагин. Белая троица.
2023. Холст, акрил, поталь. 140х120 см
Андрей Верещагин. Белая троица-2.
2023. Холст, акрил, поталь. 140х120 см
Андрей Верещагин. Белая троица-3.
2023. Холст, акрил, поталь. 140х120 см
Андрей Верещагин. Тетраэдр.
2023 Холст, акрил. Ø 80 см
Андрей Верещагин. Синий. Квадрат.
2023 Холст, акрил. 100х100см
Андрей Верещагин. Желтый. Квадрат.
2023 Холст, акрил. 100х100см
Андрей Верещагин. Красный. Квадрат.
2023 Холст, акрил. 100х100см
Андрей Верещагин. 1
2023 Холст, акрил. Ø 30см
Андрей Верещагин. 2
2023 Холст, акрил. Ø 30см
Андрей Верещагин. 3
2023 Холст, акрил. Ø 30см
Андрей Верещагин. 4
2023 Холст, акрил. Ø 30см
Андрей Верещагин. 5
2023 Холст, акрил. Ø 30см
Андрей Верещагин. Круг.
2021 Холст, акрил. Ø 120см
Андрей Верещагин. Треугольник.
2021 Холст, акрил. 120х120х120см
Андрей Верещагин. Квадрат.
2021 Холст, акрил. 120х120см

The era that formulated the law of duality is passing away, we also know it as the law of dualism, binary, polarity, unity and struggle of opposites, separation. It is being replaced by the era of synthesis. It does not reject duality, but comprehends it differently and takes another step towards cognition of the world.

Scientists are returning to the law of trinity, worshipped by the ancient sages. This law implies not only the existing antagonism of dual opposites but rather their reconciling coexistence. Thanks to the interaction of light and darkness, penumbra is born, thanks to the interaction of active and passive, masculine, feminine and Сosmos, life is born. Life is a state between birth and death, order and chaos, past and future, good and evil. This is the wisdom of keeping balance between two opposites, this is the golden middle.

The law of the trinity is universal in its manifestation. It is presented in different religions and philosophical schools. It can be seen in the concepts of "yang – deng – yin", "creation – preservation – destruction", "body – soul – spirit", "future – present – past", "information – energy – substance".

The symbolism of the trinity is presented in all religious and mystical cults. Archaeologists found symbols of the trinity all over the globe. So, for our pagan ancestors it was natural to divide the world into three levels: the earthly plane, the underground world and the superior world of gods. In Hinduism these are three states of one god: Brahma (creator), Vishnu (guardian), Shiva (destroyer). For Christians it was a symbol of the trinity of God. The Holy Trinity – according to the Christian dogma one God exists in three hypostases: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Trinity differs from the triad, it is a symbol of unity in diversity, the union of three in one and one in three.
Boris Rauschenbach saw the symbol of the trinity in a 3D vector. Nicholay Rerich placed the symbol of the Trinity in the basis of the sign "Banner of Peace".

Any system consists of three structural components: passive, neutral and active. Passive provides the perception of information (retraction) and has a feminine principle yin. The neutral (analytical) one ensures the processing of the information received and is responsible for decision–making – it is dang. Active (manifesting) provides environmental impact.

This is the atom with its neutrons, electrons and protons. This is the planet Earth with the north pole (yin) that perceives the energy of the Сosmos, the core (deng) processes it, the south (yang) energy-information informs the Сosmos about the state of the planet Earth. We also see a trinity in the government system: legislative (yin), judicial (deng), executive (yang). This is also the human brain with its perceiving (right hemisphere), analytical (left hemisphere), executive (spinal cord) systems (problem – reaction – solution). These are three ways of the world cognition: science, religion and art. The triad principle of "input – processing – output" can be seen in the nature and plants: in the form of an apple, trees, leaves. The manifestation of the law of trinity can be found in the exact sciences: in fractals (the Mandelbrot set "input – growth – output"). Today the symbol of trinity is often used in trademarks and logos.

My task in art is to help the viewer to recall these principles of trinity, to form a trinity system of thinking, so that to revive balance and harmony in the world.